Hallowe'en at the Lotus Sound Lounge with Julie and Micheal. It was awesome to be partying in Canada on Hallowe'en with everyone into dressing up and having a good time. It was fun driving to the bar and watching the devils, witches, hoochie mamas, vampires, robots, pixies, pirates and some guy in his undies just walking down the street trying to find the party .... you gotta love Hallowe'en when anything can be a costume.
Knowing that there would be Hallowe'en fun in Vancouver when I arrived I took my Roman Mask and Karishma dress to blend in with the other Hallow-weiners. I even had one girl comment on my mask and then inquire as to what I looked like underneath ???? The music was pumping and Julie and I grooved till our feet could take no more ... then we left for home. On the way home we stopped by the movie set of 'Alien vs Predator 2', a sure-fire Hollywood hit starring 'no one that you know'. In our curiousity to see who was in this future blockbuster we inadvertantly wandered onto the set and were asked to please move out of the shot as the camera was pointed directly at us. OOoooops. We wandered around trying to find a better vantage point to no avail, so we gave up and went home where we all crashed hard. 
On Sunday morning after Micheal cooked us an amazing omelet (you gotta love guys that can cook.) Julie and I took a stroll down the road from her house to Burrard inlet. It was a beautiful, if chilly, fall day with all my favorite fall colors and lots of big beautiful maple leaves. We wandered around for 3 or 4 hours talking about everything under the sun, catching up on the things that have been happening in our lives in the last year.
I forgot how beautiful fall is in Canada and how much I enjoy the beauty of the season.
I wish I were there! I wish I were there!! I wish I were there!!!
Was the girl inquiring about what it looked like under the mask or under the dress? hahahaha.
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