Visit with Kellie
On Monday, October 30th Julie and I went to meet Kellie at her new apartment just off Denman in Vancouver. It's a nice apartment with a goreous view of English Bay. I was finally able to meet Micheal, her boyfriend. He's sweet but we didn't spend much time there with him, instead we walked down Denman to a breakfast place, ate and then went into Stanley Park.
It was gorgeous weather and everything looked beautiful. We even saw a good selection of wildlife. Kellie told us all about the difficulties of adjusting to life in
Vancouver and also the fun and enjoyment of our Canadian outdoors. There were a few swans on water, they were very tame and came right up to us. There were many herons on the water, we managed to see two or three of them. I have always loved big wading
birds - Herons and Egrets.
We even watched a raccoon emerge from the bushes to go down and rustle up some dinner. There was a nice and informative sign telling us to beware of 'rabies'. So we gave the lovely raccoon a wide berth and continued out walk.
At the end of our walk was a row of red maples, so being the good Canadian that I am, I took a picture of it.
After our walk they asked me what was my next destination of choice? Opus on Granville Island. They said that's perfect and off we went to Granville Island. The first stop was the market for 'the best Chai Masala ever', and as we strode through the market Kellie saw Strawberry Tarts which she hasn't eaten in years sooooo she treated me to Strawberry Tarts and Julie treated me to Chai Masala. I felt incredibly pampered. It's great having friends.
Then we went to my favorite art store in Vancouver, Opus. It was awesome going with Kellie and talking about art and different things. I was looking into how to get different size canvases from there to Taiwan. I did buy a few new things to try. I'll let you know if I like them. Notice the sizes of the canvases. Sadly, you can't get canvases in those sizes in Taiwan.
After Granville, it was almost time to get me to the airport but we had a few hours so we went back to Denman. And went to a coffee shop there called, Bojangles. It had a nice atmosphere and it was delightfully warm on the chilly fall day. Then I said goodbye to Kellie and Jules drove me to the airport. She dropped me off and we hugged goodbye with the knowledge we would be seeing each other in a month.
Thank you Julie and Micheal for the great time and Kellie it was awesome seeing you again.
such a great date! Craving Masala Chai oh soooo good!
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