Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Cave

This is Jason at the teahouse I took him to on Tuesday. We call it 'the Cave' but its name is the Chinese equivalent of '50 Cents'. It was his first time there and I'm not sure that he liked it but he did appreciate the vigorous aircon, while I was covered with goosebumps

This is me, after two teas and some standard chinese fare; gaolitsai, changdo and maodo (cabbage, green beans and marinated soy beans).

These are some shots of the bathrooms in this place. The owner was fascinated with driftwood and sand formations. Her teahouses are built with that scheme. The bathrooms are custom made and very interesting. The sinks have water coming out of the sculptures mouthes.

The feeling in the whole place is this earthy primative cave and it takes me out of the mechanized Taiwan that I spend my days in.

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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Oil Painting

This is my first painting in oil. (Special thanks to my friend Kellie Robinson, a very talented and gifted artist, she patiently taught me that painting with oils could be fun. Cheers Darling!) It is the first piece for an art show I would like to do in the summer next year. The show would be entitled 'Doors, Passages and Openings', and would be exploring my fasination with doors and the ideas they bring to my mind. I am hoping to do it as a joint show with my friend Cathy, who suffers from the same obsession that I do. But she is incredibly busy doing a hundred and one things and she might not be done her pieces by the time the show goes up. Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 21, 2006

My Love Life

This is Jason. The man I love. He is incredibly silly at times but makes me laugh. Who couldn't laugh when looking at a face like that. He rocks in bed, btw. Although I'm not sure that he can keep up to me. You can get to his blog here

Hi. This is Jau-Ruey. I'm standing outside my house in the garden, trying to smile and keep the mosquitos at bay. Posted by Picasa