It was crazy to be called at 9 on Tuesday, February 20th with the news that Krysta was in labor and on her way to the hospital. Even though I had felt horrible all day .... I threw on some clothes and ran out the door. When I arrived Krysta, Allen, Sharon (Krysta's Mom), Steve, Julie and Karishma were already there. Krysta was fairly talkative as she was excited and apprehensive. She would take a pause in the conversation every 5 minutes or so. This went on until about 4 in the morning. When the 3 sisters decided to get a few hours sleep before the excitement began. At about 7 in the morning we got a telephone call from Allen in the delivery room saying that she was in hard labor and having the baby. Jules, Krish and I jumped up grabbed our shoes, cameras and water before we ran down the stairs to the pre/post op area where Steve was waiting. From the pre/post op area we could hear everything but not see anything ..... After and hour and a half at 8:36am on Wednewday, February 21st, 2007. Shea was born. She was born with a very quiet but much awaited cry. A few minutes later we got to see her ..... she was gorgeous, no surprise as we all knew she would be. Allen was beaming from ear to ear as he showed off his beautiful brand new daughter. And Grandma Sharon came out very happy but quite overwhelmed. Without further adieu this is Shea, an hour after her debute.
This is Shea the day after her big debute. Looking fantastic and cool in her red outfit. Say hi to all the nice people.
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