Thursday, March 22, 2007

Lantern Festival

This is the Chinese 'Year of the Pig', so there were lots of lanterns with the pig theme ... some were cute and others were interesting and I wished I could read more Chinese so I could better understand their angle on Year of the Pig. One of the most famous pigs, 'Piglet' from Winnie the Pooh was larger than life and center stage. I, for one, have never been a fan of Piglet's.

I prefer the bouncy, trouncy Tigger instead.

There were all kinds of lanterns featuring pigs, but there were also a great many bird lanterns. I sometimes wish that I was able to read more Chinese to better understand the themes and criteria that some of the lanterns are made with. I feel that some of them are made out of recycled material. Some are made by student groups and some are indiviual submissions but these are just my guesses.


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